Why You Should Spring Clean Your Storage Unit
May 5, 2022 | Storage Tips
It’s time to spring clean! From rediscovering long-lost items to clearing out space for new hobbies and adventures, spring cleaning is a great opportunity to clean, declutter, and reorganize your home.
As you’re spring cleaning your home, it might also be time to go take inventory of the items in storage at your local Metro Self Storage facility. Storage units can sometimes get neglected when it comes to reorganizing and decluttering, but doing so can free up space for new items you need for the next phase of your life and even allow you to earn some extra cash from unwanted items. Maximize and organize your storage unit’s space with these tips and tricks!
How to Declutter Your Storage Unit
It always feels good to declutter your belongings. If you didn’t take the time to organize your belongings when you first moved into your storage unit, now is the perfect time. When it comes to organizing, you have to declutter first. Start by taking everything out and going through the boxes to take inventory of the items you have stored. You might be surprised to find items that you’re ready to put back in your home!
As you declutter, make a few stacks of items you want to keep in storage, sell, donate, or take back home. Once you have a full picture of what’s in your storage unit, it’s time to start organizing.
Organizing Your Storage Unit
There are plenty of ways to organize your storage unit. You can organize your items by category or season. You can also split your unit between your items and your roommate or significant other. Before you can decide on the organization system, you might want to review our recommended storage tips to make sure that your storage unit doesn’t need another round of decluttering next spring.
You can take your organizing to the next level by creating an inventory list of the items you have in storage. Once you create this least, keep it with you and check items off your list as you take them home or add things to storage. It will help you keep track of what you have in your storage unit and you never have to worry about whether an item is lost or just in storage. If you already have an inventory list be sure to check things off your list as you sort them into your sell/donate or going home piles.
Replace Boxes and Storage Containers
It can be tricky remembering what is in each container if they are unmarked. While organizing your unit, grab some masking tape and a permanent marker to label each container. Labeling your containers will make it easier to find the items you’re looking for.
For extra organization, consider upgrading your storage boxes to clear plastic containers to easily find what you need at a glance. You can even add shelving units or racks to help keep boxes and other items readily available.
Get the Most Out of Spring Cleaning Your Storage Unit
Once you’ve organized your storage unit, it’s time to turn your attention back to the items that made it into your sell/donate pile. Donating your items is a pretty straightforward process, but selling your items might require a little more work, however taking these final steps in your spring cleaning process will ensure you get the most out of decluttering your storage unit for spring.
Sell Items You Don’t Want in a Garage Sale
Of the items you want to sell, determine what items are in good enough condition to sell and which items aren’t worth trying to sell. For the latter, you can go ahead and throw them away or recycle them. If you have a lot of high-value items, you can try to sell them on sites like eBay before putting them in your garage sale. Once you’ve decided on your sale items, put them back into storage and make sure they are labeled and organized accordingly—no need to keep these items at your home until your garage sale date gets closer.
Make Room for More Items
After everything has been decluttered, reorganized, or sold, you may find that you’ve freed up space for more items that are taking up space in your home. We go through so many stages of life, from working from home to inviting your parents to move into planning for a baby and beyond. Having a self storage unit can make it easier to transition into a new phase of life when you have more space in your living area. No matter what phase of life you’re in, self storage can give you the space you need to be prepared.
Declutter and Spring Clean with Metro
Spring cleaning may only come once a year, but creating a well-organized storage unit with room to grow is an important tool for many homeowners. If you don’t have a storage unit, there’s no better time like spring to get one! At Metro Self Storage, we offer well-maintained facilities throughout the country with plenty of convenient features, including climate-control, moving supplies for sale, vehicle storage options, and more. Even if you already have a storage unit, there’s no shame in needing another unit for a few overflow items or renting a storage unit for your new business.
Regardless of your storage needs, Metro can help. Find a Metro Self Storage location near you to get started today!